Coming up with all of these costumes was so much fun. I had about 5 different ideas when my friend, Anne, and I went to the local thrift store to find some 80's clothes. Hate to say it but the 80's was so long ago that the even the thrift store threw that stuff out a lllooooonnnnngggg time ago. So for some reason I was drawn to the wedding dresses. "Puffy sleeves, I think I can make this look 80's", so I go home and try to find some pictures of anybody I knew who got married in the 80's. I'm proud to say, that I am too young to have friends who got married in the 80's, Most of my friends (that I would have wedding pictures of anyway) got married in the 90's.

But then, when I would tell people that I bought a wedding dress they would say, "Oh, is Joe gonna be Billy Idol?", well, we hadn't thought of that, he was going to be Jason, from Friday the 13th. But the more I thought of it, it sounded fun. Joe thought it sounded hard, didn't think anyone would know who he was. I had to do some real convincing, then I had to put Jack and Ronnie up to coaxing and convincing. Well, I think he is glad he decided to be Billy Idol. He said he got more attention from women that night than he ever remembers getting. (I find that hard to believe considering how used to look in his gold chain and pink shirt).

I think there was even a record set for Most Pictures Taken of Your Rear End

Paul (or Camille) and Joe (Billy) tied for this award.

I think there was even a record set for Most Pictures Taken of Your Rear End

Paul (or Camille) and Joe (Billy) tied for this award.

Eric wins the prize for most pictures taken from the front. I don't know why. Neither does Kim.
The Best Hair award goes to Nick and DeAnne.

That mullett is really scary, look close, he is wearing his gold chain, the one from that 20 year old picture you've seen before.

That mullett is really scary, look close, he is wearing his gold chain, the one from that 20 year old picture you've seen before.
The award for scariest goes to Britton Herbert as Teen Wolf; Jack as the Heavy Metal Dude,(who brought along his beautiful groupie); and.................Paul.

So is Jim Baker trying to lead Camille in a different direction spiritually or is he making a pass at her?
Most Creative goes to Mark Cantor as Elliot with ET.
Loved it when Mark started handing out Reese's Pieces.
I think I'll have to take away Most Original from Paul and give it to Mo and Allison Wright as John McEnroe and Borg.

I think I'll have to take away Most Original from Paul and give it to Mo and Allison Wright as John McEnroe and Borg.

The 2 that really got into character were definately Rebecca and Will as Axel Rose and Slash from Guns and Roses
Jodi I wish I had a picture of that split, you'd be running a close second here.

Best Group...The Maxwells and the Emfingers, KISS

Tina Turner said she had fun but she thought the party was a little short?! On the other hand, the nerd she came with , said it was so much fun it felt like 2 parties!!!

There were so many great costumes, Mad Max, Jane Jetson, Jim and Tammy Faye Baker, Cheech and Isaac from the Love Boat (Jonathon's got the fingerpoint down pat).

Jane Fonda, Tina Turner, and Cyndi Lauper ; Cheech and the Valley Girl; The Greatest American Hero brought his Aerobics Queen.
I thought Lynn and Dale Lightfoot were cute as Def Leopard (look close the ears are taped) and a Rubiks Cube
Shannon Chandler was by far the best Madonna.
Bartles and James were even there to thank us for their support.
I have no idea who this 1st guy is but I liked his shirt, cut off shirts were definitely the thing in the mid 80's. As for Michael and Rachel who were rubbing it in that they were babies in the 80' may be young but I bet you learned a thing or two Saturday night! Maybe Kenny and Dolly taught it to ya.
Here is Jonathon, Jodi, and Paul cutting a rug.
The Auburn University Swim Team was represented by Hugh Heffner, one of his bunnies I guess, Tom Cruise and the FlashDance girl.

Here are some Madeline girls: Carrie in a prom dress, Jennifer as Wonder Woman and Tracy Cantor as Daisy Duke. Anne and Todd came all decked out in 80's attire, is that a Members Only jacket you have on?
I bet you didn't know that was Kayla Brady in the White Wedding video did you?

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