Monday, October 27, 2008

Who "Just Wants to Have Fun"...We Did!!!

Oh wow, did we ever have fun. What a fun night, the 80's added such a great twist to Halloween. The costumes were great, the band was really awesome!!! We had so much fun, thanks to everyone who hosted but a big thanks to Jack, Barclay, Jodi, Paul, and Ronnie and Tamara who did most of the work. It was just fantastic!!!!
Coming up with all of these costumes was so much fun. I had about 5 different ideas when my friend, Anne, and I went to the local thrift store to find some 80's clothes. Hate to say it but the 80's was so long ago that the even the thrift store threw that stuff out a lllooooonnnnngggg time ago. So for some reason I was drawn to the wedding dresses. "Puffy sleeves, I think I can make this look 80's", so I go home and try to find some pictures of anybody I knew who got married in the 80's. I'm proud to say, that I am too young to have friends who got married in the 80's, Most of my friends (that I would have wedding pictures of anyway) got married in the 90's.
In the 80's I was very attached to Patch and Kayla on Days of Our Lives, I'm sure I'll never forget their wedding and all the turmoil that they had to go through to get to that glorius (how do you spell that?) day. And so, I modeled my headpiece after her, what do you think?!

But then, when I would tell people that I bought a wedding dress they would say, "Oh, is Joe gonna be Billy Idol?", well, we hadn't thought of that, he was going to be Jason, from Friday the 13th. But the more I thought of it, it sounded fun. Joe thought it sounded hard, didn't think anyone would know who he was. I had to do some real convincing, then I had to put Jack and Ronnie up to coaxing and convincing. Well, I think he is glad he decided to be Billy Idol. He said he got more attention from women that night than he ever remembers getting. (I find that hard to believe considering how used to look in his gold chain and pink shirt).

I think there was even a record set for Most Pictures Taken of Your Rear End

Paul (or Camille) and Joe (Billy) tied for this award.

Eric wins the prize for most pictures taken from the front. I don't know why. Neither does Kim.

Paul also wins for most original? or just leave us...speechless.

The Best Hair award goes to Nick and DeAnne.
That mullett is really scary, look close, he is wearing his gold chain, the one from that 20 year old picture you've seen before.

I'll say Kim and Amanda had some pretty good hair too.

The award for scariest goes to Britton Herbert as Teen Wolf; Jack as the Heavy Metal Dude,(who brought along his beautiful groupie); and.................Paul.
So is Jim Baker trying to lead Camille in a different direction spiritually or is he making a pass at her?

Most Creative goes to Mark Cantor as Elliot with ET.
Loved it when Mark started handing out Reese's Pieces.

I think I'll have to take away Most Original from Paul and give it to Mo and Allison Wright as John McEnroe and Borg.

The 2 that really got into character were definately Rebecca and Will as Axel Rose and Slash from Guns and Roses
Jodi I wish I had a picture of that split, you'd be running a close second here.

Best Group...The Maxwells and the Emfingers, KISS

Tina Turner said she had fun but she thought the party was a little short?! On the other hand, the nerd she came with , said it was so much fun it felt like 2 parties!!!

There were so many great costumes, Mad Max, Jane Jetson, Jim and Tammy Faye Baker, Cheech and Isaac from the Love Boat (Jonathon's got the fingerpoint down pat).

Jane Fonda, Tina Turner, and Cyndi Lauper ; Cheech and the Valley Girl; The Greatest American Hero brought his Aerobics Queen.

I thought Lynn and Dale Lightfoot were cute as Def Leopard (look close the ears are taped) and a Rubiks Cube

Shannon Chandler was by far the best Madonna.

Bartles and James were even there to thank us for their support.

I have no idea who this 1st guy is but I liked his shirt, cut off shirts were definitely the thing in the mid 80's. As for Michael and Rachel who were rubbing it in that they were babies in the 80' may be young but I bet you learned a thing or two Saturday night! Maybe Kenny and Dolly taught it to ya.

Here is Jonathon, Jodi, and Paul cutting a rug.

The Auburn University Swim Team was represented by Hugh Heffner, one of his bunnies I guess, Tom Cruise and the FlashDance girl.

Here are some Madeline girls: Carrie in a prom dress, Jennifer as Wonder Woman and Tracy Cantor as Daisy Duke. Anne and Todd came all decked out in 80's attire, is that a Members Only jacket you have on?

I bet you didn't know that was Kayla Brady in the White Wedding video did you?

By the way, please click on comments and let me know you are out there. It isn't hard, just click on the word "comments" at the bottom of each post.
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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Totally Psyched!!!!!!!!!!!

Like, Oh My God, I can't wait. There is a big 80's party tonight and it is going to be Totally Killer.

Dude, I hope you will listen, while you get ready tonight. Here are some tunes to take you Back to the Future!

What I wish is that I had some pictures of parachute pants, splatter paint, even Pappagallo purses but i don't. Here is what I could find.

This is my junior prom, I couldn't do the wrist corsage because it would get in the way of my gloves. The gloves that only had one piece of elastic to fit around my middle finger (remember those?) Also, I can't tell if this is the year that my boyfriend with the thin straight hair got a perm, just in the back!!Joe with his pink polo and his cool gold chain. I guess these guys below him were his thugs.

Even Nick DeWeese has the gold chain.

These pictures of Nick and Joe come from their senior class group picture (there were only 22 in the class) and the 2 with the biggest gold chains...Joe and Nick!

This isn't fair, DeAnne with really big hair, purple eye shadow and she is still just so pretty.

Do you like my "Dolphin" shorts and my airbrush shirt? I think the shirt my brother has on must have been a "Hobie". Just to clear the record, I am not the one with the knee high socks.

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Closest I've Been to Nashville

Man, we had a great weekend!!! A busy weekend! Started Saturday off with Wheeler's soccer game, which was fun. The weather was great. After the game Kate and I went shopping!! We actually enjoyed it! No arguing about clothes we agreed on what we thought was cute etc... We went to Starbucks, where they had these cute activity notebooks (the kind with crossword puzzles, mad lib type games etc...), perfect for her age, on the clearance table. The books were originally $5.99 so I figured, clearance would be a great price...I was right, it was free!!! I don't know why exactly, but it was. Then I look down and they have these sample cups or hot chocolate, not the little shot glass samples, a 6 oz. cup of hot chocolate, Free!! So I came out of there with a happy 8 year old, FREE!!

Today, I helped give a baby shower for a neighbor. It is her first baby and I think that all of us in the neighborhood are about as excited as she is! She is so cute and she and T (or Santa Claus as I like to call him) are going to be great parents!

Now, the best part of the whole weekend was last night. My friend, Heather, invited us and some friends to her company party. This is no ordinary company party. I promise Mr. Wells, if I ever start a business, I'll use your services!! This company party was called a Night in Nashville. It was like going to the Bluebird Cafe. 2 singer songwriters from Nashville came down to the Hank Williams museum in downtown Montgomery and sat on their stools, told the stories behind their songs and sang them to us. Radney Foster was one of them!!! You should recognize his name and if you don't, I know you would recognized his songs. I knew every country song played on the radio in the late 80's through the 90's, and his songs were a lot of them. He hit the charts several times with his own recordings and is hitting the charts still with his songs being recorded by some big names like Keith Urban, Sara Evans, and Tim McGraw. I have a few playing for you now but not many can be found on Playlist, he has a bunch you know. The other writer was Georgia Middleman, I had not heard of her, but when she sang her songs, I knew quite a few of them. She is a great singer and performer but I couldn't find her at all on playlist. Her songs have been recorded by artists like Faith Hill and Terri Clark. We had 2 uninterupted hours of great music!!

One of the songs that you hear now (if you don't read too fast) is the Dixie Chicks "Godspeed" I sang that song to Wheeler every night while I rocked him to sleep. Well, Radney Foster wrote that song, but I didn't know that. I nearly jumped out of my seat when he started singing that one. I almost ran up to the microphone to sing it with him, but it wasn't that kind of night. That wouldn't have been respectful. Neither would videoing every song he sang and hooping & hollering like we were in the omni. Who would do that?
We went with Jay and Jennifer and Stephen and Weatherly. We really had a great time with them. They are 2 couples we've known for a while and have always considered friends, but have never had the chance to really go out and hang out together. I had a blast. The car rides, the dinner, the venue were all great fun and I'm so glad we got to do it with such fun people. Sorry Weatherly for making you run with your hurt toe. Thanks Jay for helping her out.
Here are some photos and make sure you listen to the music, you'll recognize it I'm sure!

Heather, Kevin and Mr. Wells, thanks so much for having us!! When you do it again "I'm In"!!

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