Friday, October 17, 2008

Code Question

Okay, here is a code word I haven't learned yet. ............Meme, or meme, or MEme. I've seen it written all three ways. Help, can someone decode that one for me?

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Tiffany said...

Hmmmmm. Wish I could help. Can't wait to see the answer. I've seen it on other blogs and if I remeber correctly it has something to do with being tagged. (?)

Daphine said...

I too have seen this word. I think it's like an idea that can replicate. I can't take the credit for telling you what it is...I googled it.

Hope this helps.

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

It's generally a list of questions that are answered and then passed on to others and so on, often in the form of a tag game.

Elizabeth said...

Thanks modgirl to modgirl and daphine. I've got an MeMe or tag coming up that I think will be cute (thanks to daphine).

The Hinesley House said...

I was wondering the same thing!