Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Don't let your 5 year old go to sleep with Silly Putty in his hand.
I'm just sayin it might not make for a good laundry day the next day.

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Amanda Parker said...

I wish they would stop making it! Almost every disaster in my house that I haven't been able to clean up stemmed from the misuse of silly putty. Don't do what I would do... just throw everything away!

Heather said...

Yes I also have a silly putty story. Ruined sofa cushion - I tried ice, peanut butter and some other remedies but nothing ever really worked.

Shell in your Pocket said...

OH my goodness...I want to laugh but yet cry for you!!! That is something that would happen in my house!
-sandy toe

Tiffany said...

THAT is hilarious! Did it get in his hair??

Anonymous said...

That makes my "powder" epidode look like nothin'. When all else fails, I try rubbing alcohol.